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Stiles, W.B., Shapiro, D.A. & Elliott, R. (1986). "Are all psychotherapies equivalent?" American Psychologist, 41, 165-180.
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Davis, J.D., Elliott, R., Davis, M.L., Binns, M., Francis, V.M., Kelman, J., & Schroeder, T. (1987). Development of a taxonomy of therapist difficulties: Initial report. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 60, 109-119.
Llewelyn, S.P., Elliott, R., Shapiro, D.A., Firth, J., & Hardy, G. (1988). Client perceptions of significant events in prescriptive and exploratory periods of individual therapy. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 27, 105-114.
Elliott, R., & Shapiro, D. A. (1988). Brief Structured Recall: A more efficient method for identifying and describing significant therapy events. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 61, 141-153.
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Elliott, R. & Wexler, M.M. (1994). Measuring the impact of treatment sessions: The Session Impacts Scale. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 41, 166-174.
Elliott, R., Shapiro, D.A., Firth-Cozens, J., Stiles, W.B., Hardy, G., Llewelyn, S.P, & Margison, F. (1994). Comprehensive process analysis of insight events in cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic-interpersonal therapies. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 41, 449-463. [Reprinted in C.E. Hill (ed.), (2001). Helping skills: The empirical foundation (pp. 309-333). Washington, DC: APA.]
Rhodes, R.H., Hill, C.E., Thompson, B.J., & Elliott, R. (1994). Client retrospective recall of resolved and unresolved misunderstanding events. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 41, 473-483.
Elliott, R. (1996). Sind klientenzentrierte Erfahrungstherapien effektiv? Eine Meta-Analyse zur Effektforschung. GwG-Zeitschrift, 101, 29-36.
Reeker, J. Ensing, D., & Elliott, R. (1997). A meta-analysis of outcome research on group treatments for sexually abused children. Child Abuse & Neglect, 21, 669-680.
Elliott, R., & Greenberg, L.S. (1997). Multiple Voices in Process-Experiential Therapy: Dialogues between Aspects of the Self. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 7, 225-239.
Stiles, W.B., Benjamin, L.S., Elliott, R., Fonagy, P., Greenberg, L.S., Hermans, H.J.M., Bucci, W.S., Karon, B. P., Leiman, M. (1997). Multiple Voices: A Virtual Discussion. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 7, 241-262.
Elliott, R. (1998). Editor’s Introduction: A Guide to the Empirically-Supported Treatments Controversy. Psychotherapy Research, 8, 115-125.
Knox, M., Funk, J., Elliott, R., & Bush, E.G. (1998). Adolescents’ possible selves and their relationship to global self-esteem. Sex Roles, 39, 61-80.
Hardy, G.E., Rees, A., Field, S.D., Barkham, M., Shapiro, D., & Elliott, R. (1998). "Whingeing versus working": A comprehensive process analysis of a vague awareness event in psychodynamic-interpersonal therapy. Psychotherapy Research, 8, 334-353.
Elliott, R. (1999). Prozeß-Erlebnisorientierte Psychotherapie – Ein Überblick [The Process-Experiential Approach to Psychotherapy: An Overview]. Psychotherapeut, 44, 203-213 [part 1], 44, 340-349 [part 2] (German).
Funk, J.B., Elliott, R. Urman, M.L., Flores, G.T. & Mock, R.M. (1999). The Attitudes towards Violence Scale: A measure for adolescents. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 14, 1123-1136.
Elliott, R., Fischer, C., & Rennie, D. (1999). Evolving guidelines for publication of qualitative research studies in psychology and related fields. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 38, 215-229.
Elliott, R. (1999). Editor’s introduction to special issue on qualitative psychotherapy research: Definitions, themes and discoveries. Psychotherapy Research, 9, 251-257.
Elliott, R., Fischer, C., & Rennie, D. (2000). Also against methodolatry: Reply to Reicher. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 39, 7-10.
Knox, M., Funk, J., Elliott, R. & Bush, E.G. (2000). Gender differences in adolescent’s possible selves. Youth & Society, 31, 287-309.
Barry, D., Elliott, R., & Evans, E.M. (2000). Foreigners in a strange land: Ethnic identity, self-construal, socialization practices, and self-esteem in male Arab immigrants. Journal of Immigrant Health, 2, 133-144.
Elliott, R. Contemporary Brief Experiential Psychotherapy. (2001). Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 8, 38-50.
Elliott, R., Slatick, E., & Urman, M. (2001). Qualitative Change Process Research on Psychotherapy: Alternative Strategies. Psychologische Beiträge, 43(3), 69-111. [Reprinted in: J. Frommer and D.L. Rennie (Eds.), Qualitative psychotherapy research: Methods and methodology (pp. 69-111). Lengerich, Germany: Pabst Science Publishers.]
Rees, A., Hardy, G.E., Barkham, M., Elliott, R., Smith, J. & Reynolds, S. (2001). "It’s like catching a desire before it flies away": A comprehensive process analysis of a problem clarification event in cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression. Psychotherapy Research, 11, 331-351.
Greenberg, L.S., Elliott, R., Watson, J.C., & Bohart, A. (2001). Empathy. Psychotherapy: Theory/Research/Practice/Training, 38, 380-384.
Elliott, R. (2002). Hermeneutic Single Case Efficacy Design. Psychotherapy Research, 12, 1-20.
Urman, M., Funk, J. B., & Elliott, R. (2002). Children's experience of traumatic events: The negotiation of normalcy and difference. Clinical Child Psychology and Child Psychiatry, 6, 403-424.
Elliott, R. (2002). Render unto Caesar: Quantitative and Qualitative Knowing in Person-Centered/Experiential Therapy Research. Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy, 1, 102-117.
Funk, J., Elliott, R., Bechtoldt, H., Pasold, T., & Tsavoussis, A. (2003). The attitudes toward violence scale: Child version. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18, 196-196.
Anderson, J., Funk, J., Elliott, R., & Smith, P.H. (2003). Children’s extracurricular activities: Consequences of parental support and pressure. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 24, 241-257.
Timulak, L., & Elliott, R. (2003). Empowerment Events in Process-Experiential Psychotherapy of Depression: A Qualitative Analysis. Psychotherapy Research, 13, 443-460.
Elliott, R., Orlinsky, D., Klein, M., Amer, M., & Partyka, R. (2003). Professional Characteristics of Humanistic Therapists: Analyses of the Collaborative Research Network Sample. Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies,2 188-203.
Cooper, M., Mearns, D., Stiles, W.B., Warner, M., & Elliott, R. (2004). Developing self-pluralistic perspectives within the person-centered and experiential Approaches: A round-table dialogue. Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 3, 176-191.
Elliott, R. (2004). Progetto internazionale sull’efficacia della psicoterapia e dei training in psicoterapia. Da Persona a Persona: Revista di Studi Rogersiani (November), 77-80.
Klein, M.J., & Elliott, J. (2006). Client Accounts of personal change in Process-Experiential psychotherapy: A methodologically pluralistic approach. Psychotherapy Research. 16, 91-105.
Elliott, R., & Zucconi, A. (2006). Doing Research on the Effectiveness of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapy Training: A Person-Centered/Experiential Perspective. Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 5, 82-100.
Elliott, R., Fox, C.M., Beltyukova, S.A., Stone, G.E., Gunderson, J., & Zhang, Xi. (2006). Deconstructing therapy outcome measurement with Rasch analysis: The SCL-90-R. Psychological Assessment, 18, 359-372.
Elliott, R. (in press). A Linguistic Phenomenology of ways of knowing and its implications for psychotherapy research and psychotherapy integration. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration.
Rober, P., Van Eesbeek, D., & Elliott, R. (in press). Talking about Violence: A micro-analysis of narrative processes in a family therapy session. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy.
Rober, P., Elliott, R., Buysse, A., Loots, G., & De Corte, K. (in press). What's on the therapist's mind? A grounded theory analysis of family therapist reflections during individual therapy sessions. Psychotherapy Research.
Elliott, R., & L.S. Greenberg. (in press). The Essence of Process-Experiential /Emotion-Focused Therapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy.
Elliott, R., & Freire, E. (in press). Classical Person-Centered and Experiential Perspectives on Rogers (1957). Psychotherapy.
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