Saturday, March 21, 2009

Running on the Vernal Equinox

Entry for 20 March 2009:

The kind of week it was: Four papers in 2 days at the UK chapter meeting of SPR down near Scarborough, followed by teaching on Tuesday and Wednesday, meetings on Thursday, more teaching on Friday and clients sandwiched in between. Running had been squeezed out by all this activity as has been happening too much lately, so finally, late on Friday, not long before sunset, I managed to get out for a long run along the canal.

I tracked the sinking sun, first from the top of Clevedon Hill, then once I’d reached the canal, as I ran along the path. As the canal rose past the Maryhill Lock Flight, the late sun glowed, an orange ball over Glasgow, on the first day of Spring, gradually sinking into the layer of cloud in the west. I’d lost sight of it by the time I’d reached the Nolly Brig, behind Firhill Stadium. (For quite some time, I’ve been wondering about the significance of the name of this bridge, but recently, someone told me that when she was growing up, “nolly” was the word that she and the other children in the area had used to refer to the canal.)

As I ran back, although the sun had fallen below the cloud, there was still a pink glow, and high in the sky the contrail from a jet still shown white, the tiny point at its head glinting in sun. The balance has shifted from dark to light, Spring has finally come, even in the Roman calendar. The world moves forward as the days quickly lengthen.

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