Friday, August 20, 2010

Birthday Haiku Poem for Gladys

A linked set of stanzas, roughly in haiku form, in honor of Diane’s mother’s 80th birthday. The first stanza plays with the mathematical factors of 80 (not counting 1 and 80). We celebrated her birthday in great style, with 40 people, including family, friends and friends of family. Gloria, Diane's exchange student sister also came from Chile along with her husband Juan & eldest granddaughter Daniela.


Eighty years, many factors:

Two, four, five;

Eight, ten;

Sixteen, twenty, forty.


Who knew?

Such a petite person

Could actually be

A very large tree?


Roots sink deep

Through valley's sandy loam,

Ground tree to grow

Strong secure base.


Branches spread:

Children, grand-, great-,

Adopted by marriage or exchange.


Friends flock, many-colored birds,

Summer and winter,

In your sheltering shade.


There is a stillness:

You listen without judgement

Reveal indwelling treasure.


Time passes: Four generations.

Spreading wave of love.

Everything connects.

-15 August 2010

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